Call for Papers — Open Sessions
News Media Section joint with Digital Humanities – Digital Scholarship Special Interest Group
- 21 February 2019, 21:47
Theme: "Success Stories and Challenges: News Media Re-used in Research and by the General Public"
The News Media Section is seeking proposals for papers to be presented at the IFLA World Library and Information Congress in Athens, Greece, from August 24-30, 2019. This open program is co-sponsored by the IFLA’s Digital Humanities – Digital Scholarship Special Interest Group.
Libraries and cultural heritage institutions have led initiatives to preserve news media in its various forms. The large-scale digitization of newspapers and other news content has opened up possibilities for digital scholarship and other re-uses of news. How are scholars and the general public using digitized news content in new ways? What are the successes and challenges of digital news archives for the digital humanities and beyond?
Possible topics may include:
- The re-use of digitized newspapers and other news content in research and digital humanities projects.
- Case studies that explore the successes and challenges of using digitized news content
- Digitized newspapers in research and education
- Users of news media: digital humanities scholars, genealogists, researchers, etc.
- Themed or special digital exhibits that incorporate and reimagine digitized news content (e.g., WWI portal of the European Digital Library Europeana)
Submission Guidelines
Proposal abstracts must be submitted by 29 March 2019, must be in English, and should clearly include:
– Title of proposed paper
– Abstract of proposed paper (no more than 500 words)
– Name(s) of presenter(s) and position(s) and/or title(s)
– Employer(s) / affiliated institution(s) of presenter(s)
– Contact information including email address(es) and telephone number(s)
– Short biographical statement(s) of presenter(s)
Abstracts must be submitted as an MS Word attachment to all members of the Conference Planning Committee:
Spencer Acadia
[email protected]
Mary Feeney
[email protected]
Minna Kaukonen
[email protected]
Ana Krahmer
[email protected]
Anke Winsmann
[email protected]
Selected presenters will be notified by 15 April 2019.
Accepted papers
Complete accepted papers should be 3000-6000 words in length, be an original submission not published elsewhere, be written and English, and must use the template that will be available with IFLA’s 2019 Guidelines for Paper Authors and Presenters.
Complete accepted papers must be submitted as MS Word attachments to the committee members listed above, along with accompanying presentation slides, by 1 June 2019.
Approximately 15-20 minutes will be allotted for a summary presentation of the paper. It is strongly recommended that the presentation is supported by a visual element such as PowerPoint, Prezi, or other presentation software.
Important dates
29 March 2019 Proposal abstracts due
15 April 2019 Acceptance notices sent to authors
7 June 2019 Completed papers and presentations submitted
Please note:
At least one of the paper’s authors must be present to deliver a summary of the paper during the program in Athens. Abstracts should only be submitted with the understanding that the expenses of attending the conference will be the responsibility of the author(s)/presenter(s) of accepted papers.
All papers that are presented at the WLIC 2019 will be made available online via the IFLA Library under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.
Authors of accepted papers must complete the IFLA Authors’ Permission Form.
All expenses, including registration for the conference, travel, accommodation etc., are the responsibility of the authors/presenters. No financial support can be provided by IFLA, but a special invitation letter can be issued to author(s)/presenter(s) of accepted papers.
Congress Participation Grants
List of opportunities for support is available on the Conference Participation Grants webpage.