Letter of Invitation
Individuals requiring an official Letter of Invitation can request one through the Congress website. The Letter of Invitation does not financially obligate the Congress organizers in any way. All expenses incurred in relation to the Congress are the sole responsibility of the attendee.
Visa Requirements
Greece is part of the Schengen Area. The unified Schengen visa (C-type visa valid in Schengen states) entitles the holder to stay in the territory of all Schengen states. The Schengen visa with limited territorial validity (C-type visa valid only in Greece or with validity excluded from a specified Schengen state/states) only entitles the holder to stay in the territory of the state/states for which it is valid.
What documents do you need when submitting a C-type Schengen visa application?
1. Travel document:
• valid at least three months after your planned departure from Greece/Schengen territory;
• with at least 2 blank pages;
• issued within the last ten years.
2. Completed and signed visa application form.
3. Biometric photo.
4. Visa fee.
5. Health insurance of at least EUR 30,000, valid in the entire Schengen territory.
6. Supplementary documents, confirming:
• the purpose of the visit,
• possession of accommodation;
• possession of sufficient funds to cover the cost of entry, stay and departure from the Schengen territory or Greece;
• willingness to leave Schengen territory after expiry of the visa.
The types and number of supplementary documents may differ depending on the consular office. Thus, we advise you to contact the relevant consulate to obtain full information concerning the documents needed when submitting a visa application. The consul of the Schengen state which is the main destination of your visit is always the consul competent to process your visa application. If you are not planning to visit Greece at all, you cannot submit your Schengen visa application to a Greek consular office.
If you are going to visit several Schengen states, a Greek consul will be competent to process your application only if Greece is the main destination of your entry into the Schengen territory or if Greece is the state in which you intend to spend most of your time.
If you intend to stay in the territory of Greece and/or any other Schengen states (during one or more visits) for a total of up to 90 days within a half-year period calculated from the date of first entry, or if you plan to pass through Schengen territory (by train, car or plane), you need to apply for a Schengen C-type visa.
For more information visit our MFA’s website: