Call for Papers — Open Sessions
Continuing Professional Development and Workplace Learning Section joint with Evidence for Global and Disaster Health (E4GDH) Special Interest Group
- 12 February 2019, 15:07
Theme: "Active and interactive learning and development strategies to extend LIS practice: the need for new skills to meet the challenges of our world"
** Deadline extended to 24 March 2019 **
The IFLA Continuing Professional Development and Workplace Learning Section (CPDWL) and the IFLA Evidence for Global and Disaster Health (E4GDH) Special Interest Group are pleased to invite proposals for a joint open session to be held during IFLA WLIC in Athens, Greece, from 24-30 August 2019.
Our theme focuses on strategies and methods to equip a skilled, flexible and agile library and information workforce for the future, feeding into the roadmap for the IFLA Global Vision. Global challenges and uncertainties, whether social, technological or financial, as well as those caused by environmental or conflict-based disasters, require library and information professionals to develop new skills in learning and development, finding new ways to transfer their professional knowledge and expertise to their users and communities in depth and at scale. In line with IFLA’s strategy to support the role libraries can play in the planning and implementation of the UN 2030 Agenda, examples that support the SDGs are particularly welcome. However, the key aim is to showcase transferable skills and methods, and all sector areas are encouraged to submit.
The aim of this 2-hour interactive session is: to build and transfer knowledge; to explore, test and evaluate new and interactive ways to transfer skills, both within the profession and to support users and communities.
Sub-themes include but are not limited to:
* Virtual learning methods
* Cross-disciplinary / interdisciplinary learning or skills transfer – working with other professionals
* Using technology to support global approaches to learning/mentoring
* Examples of applications in relation to supporting the Sustainable Development Goals
Submissions may take the form of a regular presentation which shares an innovative approach, or delivery of content via an interactive learning technique. Here presenters and participants will have the opportunity to share learning strategies through active participation and dialogue, thereby actually modelling the methods that are being introduced.
Building on the WLIC Athens theme of “Libraries: dialogue for change”, abstracts where the opportunity to talk and exchange ideas is maximised within the session will be particularly welcome.
We invite prospective presenters to submit their choice of theme, along with a description of the type of interactive learning techniques they wish to utilise. These might include methods such as, but not limited to, Fishbowl technique, Speed Networking, Pyramid Discussion, Gallery Method, Appreciative Enquiry, Opinionator Triangle, Knowledge Café, or Flipped Classroom. [see linked examples in the submissions guidelines below]
Learning outcomes will include:
* Shared experiences and good practice
* Building confidence and experience in using active learning methods
* Understanding of knowledge transfer skills that could be used in their own settings
* Opportunities to develop networks to encourage the continued exchange of ideas.
Submission guidelines
Submissions may take the form of a presentation sharing an innovative approach or the delivery of content via an interactive learning technique.
* Title of proposed presentation/session
* Subtheme / Topic that best fits your session
* Name(s) of presenter(s) plus position/s and/or title(s)
* Employer/affiliated institution
* Contact information including Email address, telephone number(s)
* Short biographical statement of presenter(s) (no more than 100 words)
* Abstract of the proposed presentation/session (no more than 500 words)
* Description of type of interactivity (if applicable): practical exercises, group work, or other innovative methods, e.g. Fishbowl Technique / Speed Networking / Pyramid Discussion / Gallery Method /Appreciative Inquiry / Opinionator Triangle / Knowledge Café / Flipped Classroom etc. Max 150 words
* Learning outcomes: Please describe the intended learning outcomes. Refer to Bloom’s Taxonomy as a guide. Max 150 words
* Preferred length of your presentation or session: we anticipate presentations/individual sessions will last between 5 minutes – 20 minutes.
* Keywords (3 – 5) of your own choosing that describe the contents of your session.
* Technical + logistical requirements: any technical or other requirements including space/lay-out, video, sound, accessibility, etc.
You are welcome to get in touch to discuss your proposal. Members of the programme committee will be pleased to explore ideas with you.
All proposals must be received by 15 March 2019 the extended deadline of 24 March 2019.
Please submit abstracts by 24 March 2019 as an attachment in MS Word, with the subject line IFLA CPDWL/E4GDH open session proposal to:
Receipt of all submissions will be confirmed.
All submissions will be reviewed by the CPDWL/E4GDH programme team and submitters will be notified by 26 April 2019. As this is designed to be an interactive, innovative and enjoyable session, the final submission will depend on the nature of your proposal, for instance a paper or lesson plan. This will need to be submitted no later than 1 June 2019 to enable the full 2-hour session to be planned.
Important Deadlines
Deadline for submission of abstract: 24 March 2019
Deadline for notification to presenters: 26 April 2019
Deadline for final submission: 1 June 2019
Dissemination routes:
We hope that presenters will share learning from this session more widely, choice of route will depend on nature of your submission but could include:
* Papers being added to the IFLA Library (see below)
* Inclusion in a write up for a newsletter
* Submission for IFLA Library Map of the World
* Presentation during a webinar
Please note:
Presenters should confirm that they will be able to attend the conference in person and deliver their presentation or interactive learning session if selected. The confirmation should be made when submitting the abstract;
All expenses, including registration for the conference, travel, accommodation etc., are the responsibility of the authors/presenters. No financial support can be provided by IFLA, but a special invitation can be issued to authors/presenters if that is required.
All papers that are presented at the WLIC 2019 will be made available online via the IFLA Library under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.
Authors of accepted papers must complete the IFLA Authors’ Permission Form.
Congress Participation Grants
List of opportunities for support is available on the Conference Participation Grants webpage.