Over the past two and a half years, IFLA has been undergoing a transformation. Today a crucial moment of this process comes with the launch of the IFLA Strategy 2019-2024. Just as engagement by the global library field has been key to its development, continued and expanded contributions will be key to its success.

At a time of rapid economic, social and technological change, libraries are faced with the need to change in order to continue to fulfil their responsibility to users. The change is global and so too must be our response.

IFLA is uniquely placed to lead this, building a strong and united field. Through its global reach, its power to convene the brightest minds in the library world, and its status as a key interlocutor at the international level, it benefits from a strong starting point.

However, to be effective in truly changing the library field, IFLA’s Secretary General Gerald Leitner identified the need to go further. Our impact, both in our actions and our advocacy, depends on being able to mobilise all of its constituent parts.

Realising synergies – how the strategy was created

The IFLA Global Vision process, over two years, has allowed for a bigger, more inclusive conversation than ever before with library and information workers around the world.

Outcomes from the process gives unique insight into their priorities and needs and provided the guiding star for IFLA’s first ever truly bottom-up Strategy.

This sets a compelling new Vision for IFLA – a strong and united library field powering literate, informed and participatory societies. It also sets out a clear mission – to inspire, engage, enable and connect the global library field.

Call to action

Now, the baton passes to library and information workers everywhere. Just as the Strategy is built on the contributions of the whole field, its success will also depend on individual and collective actions.

IFLA Secretary General Gerald Leitner underlined:

Our Governing Board and Professional Units are already preparing hundreds of actions to support the global library field. But we need thousands of actions – your actions. Because only with you can we create a truly global movement to improve libraries and people’s lives in all parts of the world.

The Strategy will give new direction to the work of IFLA’s Professional Units and Headquarters. It also provides a reference point for anyone who cares about libraries and the people they serve to reflect on their own actions and look for possibilities for alignment.

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