Non-Local Library Visit 1: The Library and Information Center, University of Patras, Greece
Type of library: academic
Postal address: Library and Information Center, University of Patras, 265 00 Rio, Patras, Greece
Distance from Congress venue: 204 km
Meeting point: Titania Hotel / Panepistimio Metro Station
Optimal route: by bus
A volunteer will be waiting for you at the proposed meeting point.
The Library & Information Center at the University of Patras is the primary information service at the third largest university in Greece. The Library supports the educational goals of the University by collecting, curating and disseminating the campus community’s research. Furthermore, it promotes cultural exploration within its own community while nurturing synergy with the national community. LIS houses various collections of print and digital content. As an active member of the Consortium of Hellenic Academic Libraries, HEAL-Link, the Library shares more than 15,000 e-journals and 40,000 e-books with other institutions. Moreover, the Library develops its own information systems. These include the digital collections “Kosmopolis”, “Pleias”, “Danilis” and “Diogeneia”, the open access publishing platform “Pasithee” and the institutional repository “Nemertes.” It is a pioneer among libraries in embracing the principles of open access and open science. This open spirit is reflected in the numerous international events it has hosted, including the – so far – five iterations of the Erasmus Mobility Week for Librarians.