Non-Local Library 6: Public Benefit Foundation Michail N. Stassinopoulos – VIOHALCO
Type of library: special
Postal address: Foundation’s Cultural Center in Stadio Tegea, Arcadia, Greece
Distance from Congress venue: 165 km
Meeting point: Titania Hotel / Panepistimio Metro Station
Optimal route: by bus
A volunteer will be waiting for you at the proposed meeting point.
The Library is located on the 1st floor of the Foundation’s Cultural Center in Stadio Tegea, Arcadia. It is comprised of both a lending and an information department. The Lending Department consists of some 5,000 volumes, with emphasis on Literature, History and Children/Young adult subjects. The Information Department is located separately and consists of material that is offered for in-house use only, i.e. old and rare editions and books that are no longer available on the market. All members have access to reading space, free internet, and the Library’s online catalogue (OPAC). Books are shelved in accordance with the Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) system, while the whole collection is in the process of electronic classification in the KΟΗΑ Integrated Library System (ILS), following the recent staff addition of a Librarian. Following the Foundation’s philosophy, several events are organized every year in order to familiarize the local schools’ students with the Library. In addition, a book club for adults has just been inaugurated.
The Foundation’s Cultural Center is located 8km from Tripoli, capital city of Arcadia, and some 165km from Athens. We will be happy to host up to 30 participants on Friday, Aug 30th, 2019. A tentative programme may include a guided tour of the archaeological site & archaeological museum of Tegea, followed by a tour of our Cultural Center, including the Library, and workshop areas for Patchwork, Ceramic art, Drawing, Choir and Folk Dance lessons. At the end of the tour, we will be pleased to offer a light Greek meal to all participants.
At the end of the tour, we will be pleased to offer a light Greek meal to all participants.